A big advantage to the Magic Jack Plus is that you can just plug it in and go. It will work with any type of phone. So it is very easy to install and get going. All you have to do is register online, which is free. Some of the features include call forwarding, call waiting and voicemail. You can even get your own phone number. You can either make calls with a telephone or with your computer if you have a microphone. When you travel outside of the US or Canada, you can call home with no problem from your laptop computer or a hotel phone.
The manufacturers of this device have taken steps to improve the call quality so that you can have even clearer calls. They have implemented Echo Control, which helps to reduce echoes during the call. They also created something called HD Voice, which improves the call clarity. If you choose to purchase the Magic Jack Plus, you will have 30 days to try it out. If you are not satisfied, you can send it back. You can expect to pay around $50 for the device, but this includes the first year of service. If you make a lot of calls or if you live abroad and make a lot of calls to the United States or Canada, you should consider purchasing a Magic Jack Plus.
i had no problems at the beginning. Till they hit me up on a 5year plan. that's not what i wanted.they refused to return my money or replace the unit that was deactivated. count less hours typing with there brianless customer support.(in there words i was not to contact them on this matter any longer)Now its time for a law suit.They just want U to go away( mad.) 450 complaint.. and 34 to the good. I'm going after the ceo.Thats all. Oh by the way ( if u buy one more in the mean wile and they find out It will be deactivated as well)Vers resolve a billing issue.I would use a prepaid card with the amount u want to pay only. U will play hell getting your money back.OH ya If you call On your phone and get to speak to some one live its in inda every other word breaks up..real good luck on that.. Find me on skype.com ten2win I'm over it all people geting riped off
ReplyDeleteSo do you still have to have an internet connection??????
ReplyDeleteI got magic jack plus and I have to say that I have had nothing BUT PROBLEMS SINCE!! I have tried to get help and the AUTOMATED system is a joke ..Dropped calls continuously!!!!!!!NO LIVE HELP!!!!! I have tried to get help and found myself waiting online for a "so called" experienced tech. for over half an hour. I am so upset I could spit!!!!!